Listen, Jack, I tell you what, I'm not joking here, no malarkey. C'mon, man! What was that? Here's the deal. In 2 Samuel 6, we find out what happened when King David brought the Ark of the Lord back to Jerusalem. Folks, he had a plan and it was literally a big deal. So, he appointed some men to carry it on their shoulders with the help of oxen. Well, things didn't go exactly as planned, you know, like a lot of things. One of the men, Uzzah, put his hand out to steady the Ark and God struck him down. We're not sure why, but my father used to say, "God works in mysterious ways." Well, David was so upset and angry that he left the Ark at the house of Obed-Edom for three months. Then, after that, he brought it back to Jerusalem with great joy, dancing and playing music. No one was gonna stop him, excuse me. And here's a real shocker, he was wearing a linen ephod. See here, Jack, I'm not exaggerating. That's what we learn in 2 Samuel 6.