Folks, I'm not gonna lie, I've got a great story for y'all about what happened in 2 Samuel 10. See here, Jack, it's about a man named David who had a bit of a problem and he needed to find a solution - turns out he had to fight a few wars. C'mon, man, it was a tough situation he was in. Luckily, he had a few friends who helped him out. My father used to say: if you have a friend, you can get through anything - and that's exactly what David did. He had a few victories and defeats, but no malarkey, he eventually got the job done. I tell you what, it's a great story - it's literally something that happened a long time ago, but still worth remembering. Or uh, you know, worth telling your kids. So listen, Jack, that's what happened in 2 Samuel 10 - no more, no less. What was that? Not gonna happen. Excuse me!