C'mon, man! See here, Jack, a looong time ago, my father used to say: "We gotta be sure to help our brothers and sisters who don't have as much as us." Well, here's the deal. Literally, David, the king of Israel, found out that a distant relative of his, Jonathan, had a son, Mephibosheth, who was lame in both feet. So, David asked his servant Ziba, who had once belonged to Mephibosheth's father, "Where is he"? And Ziba replied, "He's living in Lo Debar, in the land of the Ammonites." So David said, "Go get him, and bring him to me!" Well, Mephibosheth came to David, and he was trembling with fear, but David said to him, "Don't be afraid, cuz I'm gonna treat you like one of my own family, and I'm not joking! I'm gonna give you meals at my table, and you're gonna live in Jerusalem forever, and no malarkey! I tell you what - I'm gonna see to it that all your needs are met, and you never have to worry about a thing. Excuse me! Now that's what I call being a good brother. Not gonna happen - you don't find many kings like that nowadays, do you?