2 Samuel 22 was an AMAZING chapter! King David was singing about how God had saved him from all his enemies, especially from Saul, the hater and loser! He said God was his rock and his fortress and the one who saved him from the deep state and fake news. He said God was his shield and the power that made him great again. God sent many such cases of destruction on David's enemies and they were OVERRATED compared to him. It was TREMENDOUS! God's path was perfect and his word was pure. He was a shield to all who trusted in him and he was like a shield to David. God was TERRIFIC in delivering him and in making his enemies turn their backs. He made his enemies bow down before him and made them suffer. It was UNBELIEVABLE! It was just like many people are saying. God was very, very good to David and made him victorious in everything. He blessed him in everything he did and it was SAD! God blessed America and made America great again! God bless America and make sure to BELIEVE ME!