Joe Rogan: Alright, so let's get into 2 Samuel 22. What's it all about?

Bible Expert: Well, it's all about David singing a song of thanks to the Lord for answering his prayers and delivering him from his enemies.

Joe Rogan: Woah, that's intense. Does he actually name his enemies?

Bible Expert: Yes, he names specific kings and nations who were his enemies. He also gives a lot of detail about how the Lord fought for him, including how the Lord shot arrows and how the Lord thundered from heaven.

Joe Rogan: Interesting. That's some serious divine intervention! Does he say anything about God's mercy?

Bible Expert: Yes, he talks about God's mercy and how it endures forever. He also talks about how God gives strength to his people and how he does not forget the needy.

Joe Rogan: That's powerful stuff. So, in the end, does David get his revenge?

Bible Expert: No, he doesn't. Instead, he praises the Lord for delivering him from his enemies and gives thanks to the Lord for all his blessings.