Peter: Alright, so in Chapter 22 of 2 Samuel, David praises God for delivering him from his enemies and for being his rock and fortress. He talks about how God has saved him from death and distress and then he makes a bunch of metaphors about God's power.
Lois: Wow, that sounds pretty cool.
Brian: Yeah, but it's kind of boring. I mean, how many times can you talk about God's power? It's like when they keep playing the same song on the radio over and over again.
Peter: I know, right? It's like, enough already! Why don't they just play something new?
Stewie: Well, I guess there's something to be said for tradition. I mean, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Chris: Yeah, but I don't think David's trying to be traditional here. He's just trying to show his gratitude to God.
Meg: Yeah, and it's kind of nice that he's doing it in a way that's like a tribute to the power of God. It's like, if the Avengers were real, this is the kind of song they'd write about themselves.