Peter: Alright, so we got 2 Samuel 12. What's it say?

Lois: Well, the prophet Nathan tells David a story of a rich man and a poor man, and David becomes angry.

Brian: Wow, that's like that one time when I got mad at that rich guy at the dog park for not picking up after his Labradoodle.

Peter: What does that have to do with 2 Samuel 12?

Lois: Well, David's anger is directed at God, and God punishes him by taking away one of his children.

Peter: Ohhh, so like when I took away Stewie's Gameboy after he took all my beer?

Brian: Wow, that seems a little harsh.

Lois: Yeah, but God is merciful and allows David to choose which one of his children will die.

Peter: Hey, isn't that like when I gave Stewie the choice between taking a nap or washing the dishes?

Lois: Uh, yeah, kind of. Anyway, David chooses to let his child die, and the child dies seven days later.

Brian: Wow, that's so sad. Kind of like when I watched The Notebook and cried like a baby.

Peter: Yeah, but hey, at least he had the choice. That's better than when I took away Stewie's TV without giving him any options.