Peter: Alright, so in 2 Samuel 20, Sheba the son of Bichri is causing trouble and David's men are like "Yo, this guy needs to go" so they chase him.

Lois: But then things get complicated, because Joab and Amasa are like in a power struggle and Joab kills Amasa, even though David was like, "Hey, don't do that!"

Brian: Meanwhile, Sheba is still on the run, and he's like, "They can't catch me, I'm like the Flash!"

Stewie: But then, one of David's men, named Abishai, is like, "Hold up, I'm gonna go after him" and he does and he catches Sheba.

Peter: So then Sheba takes refuge in a city and Abishai is like "Don't worry, I got this" and he totally takes the city and cuts off Sheba's head.

Lois: Alright, so that's it for 2 Samuel 20. Now let's watch some reruns of 'Friends' or something.