Brian: Alright, so 2 Samuel 7 is all about God making an everlasting covenant with King David. He promises that David's heirs will have an unending dynasty and that he'll establish a temple to honor him.

Peter: Wait, wasn't God supposed to be a forgiving God? What about all the bad stuff David's done?

Brian: Ugh, that's why this chapter is so great. God not only forgives David, but he promises to establish his dynasty and make him even more powerful!

Stewie: Yeah, but what about the temple? Does he build it?

Brian: Oh, absolutely. God tells David that he will build the temple, and then he sends the prophet Nathan to confirm the promise.

Lois: Wow, so God really kept his promise to David.

Peter: Yeah, but what did David do to deserve such a promise?

Brian: Well, it was probably because he was humble and obedient to God. He was truly devoted to God's will.

Stewie: Alright, so God made a promise to David, and he kept it.

Lois: That's right. It just goes to show that if we stay true to God, he will never forget us!