Peter: Alright, so 2 Samuel 24. Brian: Yeah, so David got a census of the people of Israel and Judah and God was not happy. He punished David and the people by sending a plague. Lois: But then David asked God to stop the plague and God made a bargain with him. Peter: He said if David could choose one of three punishments he would choose the one with the least amount of death. Brian: So, David chose the three day plague, which killed 70,000 people. Lois: And then God was pleased and he stopped the plague. Peter: And then David built an altar to the Lord and offered a burnt offering. Brian: And the Lord accepted his offering and the plague stopped. Lois: So, yeah, David learned that sometimes you have to take responsibility for your actions, even when it means facing consequences. Peter: Yeah, just like when I was banned from Comic-con for dressing up as Mr. T in a dress.