Peter: Alright, so in 2 Samuel 15, King David's son Absalom is trying to take over his kingdom.

Lois: Oh no, that sounds like a huge bummer.

Brian: Yeah, but it's even more complicated than that. Absalom is trying to get rid of Ahithophel, one of David's best advisors, and he conspires with a bunch of other people to do it.

Stewie: Wow, that's intense. It's like something out of The Young and the Restless!

Peter: Then Absalom makes a big speech about how he's going to be the new king, and he sets up a big tent on the palace roof so he can be seen from far away.

Lois: That's pretty sneaky.

Brian: Yeah, but then David finds out and flees the city with a few of his loyal followers.

Stewie: What a cliffhanger! It's like an episode of The Bold and the Beautiful!

Peter: Yeah, but then Absalom chases after them and sets up a huge battle. He ends up losing, but he escapes and eventually hangs himself.

Lois: Wow, that's quite a sad ending.

Brian: Yeah, but it all worked out in the end because David gets back to the palace and is made king again.

Stewie: It's like something out of The Bachelor!