Batman: Robin, we've encountered a strange new presence in Gotham City. A mysterious figure has appeared, and is teaching about love, joy, and faith.
Robin: It sounds like a message of peace! Who is this figure?
Batman: It is the Apostle John, writing his second letter to the church. He speaks of how we can show love to others, and how we must be faithful to Christ. He also warns us against those who do not follow the truth.
Joker: *Chuckles* What a boring message! Why should anyone listen to the Apostle John's ramblings?
Batman: Because he is speaking of important matters that are essential for us to understand if we are to live a life of faith and love. We must be aware of those who reject the truth and be careful not to be misled.
Robin: So, we must be on the lookout for those who do not follow the truth!
Batman: That's right, Robin! We must keep our eyes open for those who try to lead us astray. Only then can we stay true to the teachings of the Apostle John, and live a life of love and joy.