Peter: Alright, so 2 John 1 starts off with the author introducing himself as "the Elder," and he's writing to a lady he calls "the elect lady and her children."
Lois: Oh, that's sweet.
Brian: Yeah, not as sweet as the time I saw Selena Gomez at the mall, but still pretty sweet.
Peter: Anyway, the Elder says he's writing to them to tell them to love each other, and to live in the truth. He says that he's heard of their love and faith, and that those things bring him joy.
Lois: Aww, that's nice.
Stewie: Yes, but not as nice as when I ate a whole jar of Nutella with a spoon.
Peter: Right, so the Elder warns them to be careful of false teachers who don't follow the truth, and he says to keep in mind that love comes from God. He then concludes the letter by wishing them grace, mercy, and peace.
Brian: Well, that's a nice way to end it.
Lois: Yeah, it's not as nice as when I got a free upgrade to first class on my last flight, but it'll do.