Peter: Alright, 3 John 1... Let's see here, it's about a guy named Gaius, and how he's doing the Lord's work, and how much John loves him!
Lois: Wow, that's so sweet! Kind of like when I make a big batch of my famous meatloaf for the family!
Stewie: Yeah, except Gaius isn't being served with a side of mashed potatoes and a glass of milk.
Peter: Right, and apparently he's been doing a really good job serving the Lord and helping the truth be spread. John is like, "hey, keep it up, buddy!"
Brian: Heh, just like when I encourage Meg to keep singing, even though she's not very good at it.
Peter: Yeah, but Gaius is doing something meaningful, so that's a lot different. Anyway, John's like, "Hey, keep it up, Gaius!"
Lois: Aww, that's so sweet. Kind of like when I bake my famous chocolate chip cookies for the family!
Stewie: Yeah, except the cookies don't contain any hidden messages about the Lord's work.
Peter: Right, so that's it for 3 John 1 - a nice little reminder to keep doing God's work.