Batman: Robin, have you read Nahum 1?

Robin: Yes, Batman! It speaks of God's judgement on a terrible nation.

Catwoman: Well, it's about time someone put those villains in their place!

Batman: Indeed. Nahum 1 speaks of God's anger and wrath for Nineveh, a city that had committed many sins. He will punish them severely, with no mercy.

Joker: Ha! That's what they get for being so wicked!

Batman: Yes, and God will use the elements of nature to bring destruction on Nineveh. He will send a great flood and an earthquake, and his anger will be like a fire.

Robin: Wow, that's really powerful stuff!

Batman: Yes, indeed. But even amidst the destruction, there is still hope, as Nahum 1 ends with a reminder that God is still merciful and compassionate, and will show mercy to those who repent and turn to Him.

Catwoman: Well, that's a relief!