Alex Trebek: Alright, nice to meet you. How about you tell me a little something about yourself?
Contestant: Well, I thought I'd tell you about the Bible. Specifically, the book of Nahum.
Alex Trebek: Er, that's great and all, but I don't think-
Contestant: Nahum 1 is about God's wrath and judgment against Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. God promises to avenge the wrongs committed against his people through a great and terrible judgment.
Alex Trebek: *sighs* Well, uh, I'm sure that's an interesting topic, but do you have anything else to tell me about yourself?
Contestant: Of course! The book of Nahum is also about the sovereignty and power of God. He is the one true God and his judgments are just and fair. He is the one who will bring justice to the wicked and rescue the righteous.
Alex Trebek: *sighs again* Well, I hope you can tell me something a little bit more personal next time.