Joker: "Ha ha ha! Prepare yourselves, Batman and Robin! The destruction of Nineveh is at hand!"
Batman: "Oh no! We must warn the people of Nineveh, Robin!"
Robin: "Right away, Batman!"
Catwoman: "Oh, don't bother, my little kitties! The Lord of Hosts has already sent his messenger to Nineveh, and he brought a message of destruction!"
Riddler: "What a conundrum! The people of Nineveh must have done something to deserve this! What could it have been?"
Penguin: "Hee hee! It was their wickedness, of course! They were filled with lies and murders, and their hands were always stained with blood!"
Batman: "That's horrible! We must find a way to prevent this!"
Robin: "But how, Batman? Even the strongest wall of Nineveh can't withstand the Lord's wrath!"
Joker: "Ha ha ha! There's nothing you can do! The Lord will send plagues, fire, and sword to everyone in Nineveh, and no one will be spared!"