Batman: Greetings, old chum. We must discuss the chapter of Galatians 1.
Robin: It's a most curious one, Batman. The Apostle Paul is writing to the churches in Galatia to remind them of the true gospel.
Batman: Indeed, Robin. He warns the believers not to be deceived by false teachers who are trying to bring the church back to the law of Moses.
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a bunch of fools! Who'd want to be tied down to all those rules and regulations?
Batman: Joker, you may find it amusing, but God's law is there for our protection and guidance.
Robin: Paul goes on to remind the Galatians that he did not receive the gospel from any man, but from Jesus Christ Himself.
Catwoman: Oh, how romantic! Paul was so dedicated to Jesus that he was willing to suffer for His name.
Robin: That's right! Paul's example is an inspiration to us all to stay true to the gospel no matter what.
Batman: Good point, old chum. We must always remember that the gospel is the power of God for salvation.