Folks, here's the deal. I'm gonna tell you about Galatians 1, and it's gonna be quite a story. See here, Jack, God sent his son Jesus to come and save us, literally. It's like my father used to say, you've got to keep your eyes on the prize. And that's exactly what Paul did. He was out there preaching the good news of salvation, no malarkey. He went from town to town, telling people about Jesus and his love for us. But then there were the Judaizers. These were people who said you had to keep the law to be saved, and Paul was having none of that. He was like "Listen, Jack, you don't have to follow the law to be saved, Jesus did it all for you, so c'mon man!" And that's the deal with Galatians 1. Paul was trying to tell the people that Jesus was the way to salvation, not following the law. Or uh, you know, the Judaizers. I'm not joking, folks. So that's the deal with Galatians 1. What was that? Oh yeah, Jesus is the way to salvation, not the law. I tell ya, it's not gonna happen any other way. Excuse me.