Folks, here's the deal about Galatians 2. No malarkey: Paul and Barnabas had gone on a mission, and when they got back to Jerusalem, they were greeted by the apostles – Peter, James, and John – who were there. C'mon, man, they were the biggest names in the Bible at the time!
The other apostles were concerned that Paul and Barnabas were teaching the Gentiles a gospel that was different than what the Jews believed, so they asked them to prove themselves. See here, Jack: Paul and Barnabas showed the apostles that their mission was successful and that God had accepted the Gentiles.
My father used to say, “if God's on your side, no one can stand against you.” And that's exactly what happened here: Peter, James, and John accepted the Gentiles as brothers in Christ. I'm not joking.
But then some people came along who wanted to put the Gentiles back under the law. And Paul said, “uh, excuse me, no way, not gonna happen.” I tell you what, he was fierce in his defense of the Gentiles!
But the truth is, we all have the same Lord, and we all have the same faith. Literally. We don't all have the same background or history, but we all are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. That's what Galatians 2 is all about – no matter who you are, you can be saved. What was that?