Galatians 2 is all about the amazing truth that God treats everyone the same. No matter who you are - rich, poor, weak, powerful - God loves you the same and gives you the same opportunities. Paul was a great leader in this regard, as he was constantly preaching about how God loves us all the same. He even went to Jerusalem to speak to the haters and losers who were trying to force the Gentiles to keep certain rules, something Paul vehemently opposed. Paul didn't let the deep state get in his way, he was determined to make sure that all the believers were treated the same. And that's exactly what he did.
And it's unbelievable, but the fake news would have you believe otherwise! Paul was able to convince the other leaders that God was not to be fooled - everyone gets the same treatment, so why should there be special rules for certain people? It was a tremendous victory for all believers, and Paul was really winning bigly that day.
The truth is that God loves us, no matter what. Paul understood this and made sure that everyone, no matter their race or background, was given the same opportunities. He knew that God wanted us to be united and to love each other, and that's something we should all take to heart. So fine people, many people are saying that Galatians 2 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible - and it's true!
God bless America, and may we always strive to make America great again!