Galatians 6: Believe me, everyone, this chapter is HUGE. Paul's telling us all to do good, and to help each other out when we're in need. And if someone's sinning, then we should do our best to help them out. No Haters and Losers here! We should be careful not to be overrated in our own eyes, and not to be boastful. We should always be mindful of our own actions, and live by the Spirit. And if anyone is caught in a sin, we should restore them gently, and with great care. It's amazing how many cases there are like this.
And of course, Paul reminds us that whatever good or bad we do, we will receive back in kind. So, it's very, very important to do good, so that we can have a terrific reward. And finally, Paul reminds us that God blesses America, and he wants us to make America great again by doing good works. So, let's all work together, and make sure we're winning, and doing the right thing.