Alex: "So, tell me a bit about yourself!"

Contestant: "Well, I'd like to talk about the Bible, specifically Galatians 6."

Alex (sighing): "Uh, okay...go ahead then."

Contestant: "Galatians 6 is about how Christians should bear one another's burdens, as well as being generous and patient with one another. It also tells us to be careful not to be tempted by the desires of the flesh, and to instead strive for spiritual growth. Finally, it encourages us to show kindness and humility even when we are wronged."

Alex (eye roll): "Well that's...great. Anything else?"

Contestant: "It also warns us to be careful not to become proud, and to avoid making decisions out of envy or rivalry. We should work for the good of others, and trust in the Lord to provide us with what we need."

Alex (gritting his teeth): "Right...anything else?"

Contestant: "That's it for Galatians 6!"

Alex (exasperated): "Wonderful. Let's move on to something else, shall we?"