Batman: Well, Robin, it looks like we've come to the end of the book of Galatians!

Robin: That's right, Batman. In this chapter, Paul urges the Galatians to do good to all people, especially those in the faith.

Joker: Ha-ha-ha! Doing good? That sounds boring!

Batman: Joker, be quiet! Paul also tells them to not be weary in doing good and to be generous and share with others.

Catwoman: That sounds like a lot of work!

Batman: Paul also tells them to live by the Spirit and not rely on their own strength.

Robin: And he warns them against getting caught up in false teachings.

Riddler: False teachings? What kind of false teachings?

Batman: Paul warns them not to be deceived by people who preach a different gospel. He urges them to use the good works of the Spirit to show the truth of the gospel.

Penguin: What a drag!

Batman: Finally, Paul says that whatever a man sows he will reap, so they should be careful what they sow.

Robin: That's sage advice, Batman!