Batman: Ah, Robin, let us turn our attention to the Book of James.
Robin: What can we expect to learn, Batman?
Batman: The first chapter of James tells us that trials and temptations are God's way of testing our faith and leading us to a greater understanding of His will.
Joker: Yes, but beware! There is a danger of succumbing to evil desires and sin in the process.
Batman: Indeed, Joker. That is why James tells us that if we submit to God and resist the devil, He will provide us with the strength to stay on the path of righteousness.
Catwoman: But how can we do that?
Batman: By humbling ourselves, staying steadfast in our faith, and asking God for wisdom, we can overcome all adversity.
Riddler: That is all well and good, but what about those who lack faith?
Robin: To them, James says that God will give wisdom generously if they ask for it.
Batman: And He will not judge them for their lack of faith nor will He look down upon them for asking.
Penguin: So those who ask will receive wisdom from God?
Batman: Precisely, Penguin. For God gives generously and without judgment to those who ask.