Batman: Robin, it's time to take on Titus 1!
Robin: Holy scripture, Batman!
Batman: That's right, Robin. Paul is writing to Titus, a young leader in the church, and he's giving him instructions on how to be a good leader. He says that the leaders need to be upright and blameless, and they should have a good reputation with the people they serve.
Catwoman: Ooh, sounds like a boring chapter. What else does it say?
Batman: Well Catwoman, it also says that leaders must be devoted to the truth and able to teach it to others. They should also be able to refute false teachers and keep order in the Church.
Robin: That's important, Batman.
Batman: Yes, it is. Paul also tells Titus to appoint elders in the Church who are qualified and who can serve as examples of good behavior.
Joker: Yawn! What a bore!
Batman: Don't worry, Joker. Paul also has a warning for those who teach false doctrine or lead people astray. He says that they will be punished.
Robin: Wow, that's intense!
Batman: Yes, it is. So remember, if you want to be a leader in the Church, you must be devoted to the truth and uphold it in all things. That's the way of Titus 1!