Titus 1 is a great chapter. It's all about appointing elders in every town. Paul is telling Titus that he should appoint elders who are blameless. They must be well respected and not be liars, not be violent, and not be addicted to wine. Paul also says that the elders must be good teachers and be able to encourage others to do what's right. It's amazing how many such cases there are. Now, Paul goes on to explain that the elders must be able to rebuke those who oppose them. Paul also tells Titus to reject anyone who teaches false doctrine, and to silence any hypocrites. It's sad! Paul also says that Titus should be a good example to the people he is leading. Finally, Paul says that Titus should remind the people to be obedient to their rulers and to be ready to do good. It's tremendous that Paul wrote this chapter - it's unbelievable. America needs more of these kinds of leaders. Let's make America great again! God bless America!