• King James Version

    1. [To the chief Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm {or} Song of Asaph.] In Judah {is} God known: his name {is} great in Israel. {chief...: or, overseer} {of: or, for} / 2. In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion.

  • Norm

    Psalms 76: Well, it's once again time for another very special edition of "Weekend Update: Bible Edition" - and this week we're looking at Psalms 76. Here's the scoop: God is the hero of this chapter, and He's going to show off His strength in a big way.

  • Joe Rogan Experience

    Joe: Alright, so we have Bible Expert on the show today. Let's hear what you have to say about Psalms 76. Bible Expert: Well, Psalms 76 is a song of praise to God. The psalmist is praising God for his greatness and power and for delivering his people from their enemies.

  • Jeopardy

    Alex Trebek: Hello and welcome to Jeopardy! So contestant, tell me a little bit about yourself. Contestant: Well, I’d like to start by summarizing Psalms 76 from the Bible. Alex Trebek (sighing): Okay…

  • Drill Sergeant

    "Listen up, you maggots! Psalms 76 is about God being awesome and powerful. He's the one who does great and awesome things! He's the one who shatters the weapons of war. He's the one who stops wars and brings peace.

  • Batman

    1-12. Batman: Greetings, Robin! This chapter of the Bible is all about praising God. Robin: Wow, Batman! That sounds mighty impressive! Catwoman: Don't get too excited, Boy Wonder. In this chapter God is praised for His strength and power over enemies.

  • Joe Biden

    Listen Jack, I tell ya what, you don't wanna mess with the Lord. He's a powerful guy, and He'll strike you down like no malarkey! C'mon man, He's the Lord of Hosts! Not gonna happen if you don't give Him the respect He deserves.

  • Donald Trump

    Psalms 76 is amazing! It speaks of God's great victory over the haters and losers. In this chapter, God is described as having tremendous strength and power, and His greatness is unbelieveable! He is victorious over all His enemies, and many such cases have seen God's power on display.

  • Family Guy

    Peter: Alright, so Psalms 76. So, what's the deal with this one? Lois: Yeah, it's all about how awesome God is. He's like a superhero, saving the day and all that stuff. Stewie: Oh, I love superheroes! Especially Batman!