King James Version
1. The LORD reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth {between} the cherubims; let the earth be moved. {be moved: Heb. stagger} / 2. The LORD {is} great in Zion; and he {is} high above all the people. →
"Psalms 99: Folks, this one's a real doozy. It's not just about praising the Lord, it's about praising the Lord with a vengeance. We're talking about singing His praises, making sacrifices to Him, and even bowing down before Him! Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but if you're looking for a real pick-me-up, may I suggest flipping ahead to Psalm 100? This one's a real downer. →
Joe Rogan Experience
Joe: Hey, what's up everybody? I'm Joe Rogan and I'm here with my Bible Expert friend, and we're going to be discussing Psalms 99. Bible Expert: Sure, Psalms 99 is a Psalm of praise to God. It starts with a call to all the people of the earth to praise the Lord and then goes on to celebrate the greatness of God's holiness and justice. →
Alex Trebek: Alright, let's start the get-to-know-you period. So, tell me a bit about yourself! Contestant: Well, I wanted to share with you that I'm a big fan of the Bible. I thought it might be fun to give you a summary of one of the chapters. →
Drill Sergeant
LISTEN UP, MAGGOTS! Psalms 99 is about God's holiness, justice, and majesty. He is the King of all kings, and He is the one who will judge all people. He rules with righteousness and justice, and His judgments are true and just. →
Batman: Holy scripture, Robin! Behold the words of Psalms 99! Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It says, "The Lord reigns, let the people tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake!" →
Joe Biden
Folks, see here, Jack, no malarkey! We're talking about Psalms 99. Here's the deal, Psalms 99 is about praising and exalting the Lord. C'mon, man! In verse three, it says, “Let them praise your great and awesome name. →
Donald Trump
Wow, Psalms 99 is amazing! It's really terrific - just tremendous. It's about God's holiness and how great He is. He is the King of His people - in a bigly way. It's unbelievable how powerful He is - so powerful! And the Israelites worshiped Him and His laws - they were so loyal and great. →
Family Guy
Brian: Alright, Peter, what do the scriptures say this time? Peter: Well, according to Psalms 99, the Lord is holy, and his name is to be praised in all the earth. He is seated on the throne and is to be feared above all other gods. →