• King James Version

    1. [To the chief Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm {or} Song.] God be merciful unto us, and bless us; {and} cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. {chief...: or, overseer} {upon: Heb. with} / 2. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.

  • Norm

    Hey folks, Norm MacDonald here with your summary of Psalms 67. So, this is one of the psalms of David and it's really about asking for God's favor and favor for the nation of Israel. It's a prayer for God to bless them with peace and prosperity, and also to spread His good news around the world.

  • Joe Rogan Experience

    Joe: Alright, this is Joe Rogan and I'm here with Bible Expert, [Name], and we are talking about Psalms 67. So, [Name], what can you tell us about this chapter? Expert: Well Joe, Psalms 67 is a prayer for God's favor and protection for the people of Israel.

  • Jeopardy

    Alex Trebek: Alright, so tell me a bit about yourself! Contestant: I'm a big fan of the Bible, and I'd actually like to share the summary for Psalms 67 with you! Alex Trebek: *sighs* Uh, okay. Go ahead.

  • Drill Sergeant

    "Listen up, maggots! Psalms 67 is all about PRAYER! We're asking God to show us mercy and shower us with blessings. We want Him to show us his favor so that His ways can be known all over the world. We want people to recognize His power and sing praises to His name.

  • Batman

    Batman: "Holy Psalms, Robin! This chapter tells us to praise God, for He is full of mercy and grace. He will give us peace and prosperity!" Robin: "Yes, that's true Batman! His way is a blessing for everyone on the earth, and all nations will be blessed in Him!"

  • Joe Biden

    Folks! Here's the deal. I'm gonna tell you about Psalms 67: God makes the whole world know His ways, and all nations see His salvation. That's a fact. My father used to say, "God will bless us. He will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear Him.

  • Donald Trump

    "Psalms 67 - it's unbelievable! This chapter is a bigly amazing chapter from the Bible. God is so terrific that we should give Him bigly praise and thanks. America will be great again when we thank Him.

  • Family Guy

    Peter: Alright, so, Psalms 67 is all about God's goodness and grace and how he's blessing us. He wants us to be joyful and to share his goodness with all nations. Lois: Oh wow, that's really nice. Brian: Yeah, you know, like that old saying goes, "Spread the love, spread the grace, spread the goodness like Nutella across a piece of toast!"