Joe: Alright, so let's talk about Ezra 7. What's going on in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, Ezra is a priest and scribe who returns to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon. He is sent by the king of Persia to teach the people there about the laws of God.
Joe: Whoa, whoa, whoa, so hold on. The king of Persia, like Darius or something?
Jamie: (in the background) Yeah, I just Googled it, it was King Artaxerxes.
Joe: Alright, cool. So go on.
Bible Expert: So Ezra is sent by the king to help the people of Judah rebuild the temple. He's accompanied by a caravan of priests, Levites, and other officials, as well as supplies for the temple. He also brings with him a copy of the Torah, the law of God, which he reads to the people of Judah.
Joe: That's awesome. What else happens in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, Ezra is welcomed into Jerusalem by the leaders of the people and they offer sacrifices to God. He also encourages the people to follow the law of God, and they promise to do so. At the end of the chapter, it's revealed that Ezra has been in Jerusalem for seven months, and he has been teaching the people and helping them to rebuild the temple.