Peter: Alright Meg, it's time for another chapter of the Bible! This time it's Ezra 7!

Meg: Oh great, more Bible stuff.

Brian: Wait, what's this one about?

Peter: Well, Brian, it's about a guy named Ezra. He was a priest and a scribe, and he had a really important job. He was sent to Jerusalem to teach the people the law of God.

Lois: Wow, that sounds like a really important job.

Chris: Yeah, but did he have to do it in a really cool way like Luke Skywalker or something?

Peter: No Chris, he didn't have a lightsaber. But he was accompanied by some of the king's officers and a caravan of animals and supplies. So that was pretty cool.

Stewie: Yeah, I guess it's kinda like when Gandalf and the fellowship traveled together to Mordor.

Peter: Sure, I guess that works. Anyway, he was successful in his mission and the people of Jerusalem followed the laws of God. The end.

Brian: Well that was exciting.

Lois: Not really, but it was important.

Peter: Yeah, it's important to keep the law of God, even if it's not as exciting as a trip to Mordor.