Peter: Alright, so it's all about Ezra in chapter 9 of the Bible. He's feeling pretty bummed out 'cause he's noticed the people of Israel are hanging out with people from other nations and marrying them. So then he starts crying and praying to God about it.
Lois: Oh Peter, that's so sad.
Peter: Yeah, but then God gives him a pep talk and tells him not to be too hard on the Israelites. He says, "You have been set apart for me from all the nations."
Brian: Wow, that's pretty deep.
Peter: Yeah, but then Ezra's like, "Hey God, what do I do now?" So then God's like, "Hey, don't worry. I've got it all under control."
Stewie: Hey, like that episode of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air when Will Smith had to face his fears and jump off the roof into the pool?
Peter: Yeah, something like that. So then Ezra and the leaders of the people get together and they agree to obey the commands of God and stop marrying non-Israelites.
Lois: Wow, that's really great.
Peter: Yeah, but then Ezra gets down on his knees and he prays for forgiveness for the Israelites for disobeying God's commands.
Brian: That's really sweet.
Peter: Yeah, and then God's like, "It's cool man, I forgive you."
Stewie: Like that episode of Friends where Rachel and Ross finally get back together?
Peter: Yeah, something like that. The end.