Brian: So, let's see here, Ezra chapter 3.

Peter: Ah, the book of Ezra. You know, once I got stuck in a book store and couldn't find my way out for like 4 hours.

Brian: Interesting, but I think we should focus on the summary. So, Ezra 3 starts off with the Israelites coming back from exile and immediately rebuilding the altar of the Lord.

Stewie: Oh, like in that classic 80's movie 'The Altar Kid'?

Brian: No.

Peter: Hey, I heard the altar was huge. Like, bigger than the Empire State Building.

Brian: No, it wasn't bigger than the Empire State Building. They set the altar up, then they offer sacrifices and rejoice.

Stewie: Sounds like they were having a party!

Brian: Not exactly. They were rejoicing, but not in a party way. They were worshipping the Lord.

Peter: Ah, so like a religious party.

Brian: Kind of. Then they started rebuilding the temple and the foundation was laid.

Stewie: What a bunch of blockheads!

Brian: Yes, that is one way to describe them. Anyway, they get the foundation all set up and then they celebrate with singing and music.

Peter: Cool. I love a good party, religious or not.

Brian: Sure, but this wasn't really a party. It was a religious celebration.

Stewie: Yeah, and nothing says religious celebration like a good sing-along with some Taylor Swift!

Brian: Uh, no. That's not really appropriate for this situation.