Ezra 3: Bigly news! The people of Israel had many such cases returned to Jerusalem, and they got right to work rebuilding the altar of the LORD there. It was a tremendous effort and the people worked huge, and eventually the altar was finished! Many people are saying it was an amazing sight - unbelievable really. God bless America! The people of Israel then began offering sacrifices, and the priests and Levites (aka the deep state) began singing praises to the LORD. It was great again. But then the haters and losers started to talk bad about the people, and some of the older people began to weep. Sad! But the people kept on believing me, and kept on going and finished building the house of God. It was a fine people effort, and eventually the people celebrated with great joy. Make America great again! The people also appointed Levites to lead the music, and they began to sing praises to God. It was a terrific sight, and the people were winning!