Peter: Alright, so Ezra Chapter 6 is about the completion of the temple.

Lois: Wow, that was pretty quick.

Brian: Yeah, like one of those IKEA bookshelves, am I right?

Peter: Hey, I got it right! Anyways, the Temple was dedicated and the Israelites celebrated with lots of sacrifices and feasts.

Stewie: Oh, like a giant Thanksgiving dinner, with turkey and pumpkin pie and all that good stuff?

Chris: And don't forget the mashed potatoes!

Joe: Yeah, and they gave all the priests and Levites their designated parts of the temple to take care of.

Quagmire: Sounds like a party!

Cleveland: Yeah, but then there was a decree from the King that all of the enemies of the Israelites had to be kicked out of the country.

Meg: Man, that was harsh.

Peter: But in the end, all the work was done according to the plans of King Cyrus.

Lois: Like when you finally finish that jigsaw puzzle, and you can stand back and say "Yes, I did it!"