Alex Trebek: So, what have you been up to lately?
Contestant: Well, I've been reading through the Bible, and I'm on Ezra 6.
Alex Trebek: Oh, uh, that's nice. So, what's been happening in your life outside of the Bible?
Contestant: Well, Ezra 6 is about how King Darius gives the Jews permission to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. He even issues a decree that anyone who interferes with the construction will be punished severely.
Alex Trebek: *Sigh* Right. Go on.
Contestant: The Jews are also given permission to appoint temple officials and to offer sacrifices to God. They also celebrate a joyous dedication ceremony, and Ezra reads the law of Moses to the people.
Alex Trebek: *Groans* And what happened next?
Contestant: After the dedication, the Jews hold a feast that lasted seven days. They also offered burnt offerings and celebrated with joy.
Alex Trebek: *Rolls eyes* Anything else?
Contestant: Um, yes. The Jews also appointed singers and musicians to sing and play instruments at the temple. Then, King Darius sends letters to the Jews to encourage them to follow the Law of Moses.