C'mon, man, see here, Jack, Ezra 6 is about the rebuilding of the temple. You know, the one that was destroyed by the Babylonians. Listen, Jack, it's a pretty incredible story. It was literally impossible to rebuild, but here's the deal: the king of Persia gave permission for the Jews to rebuild, and even gave them money from the royal treasury to do it. I tell ya, folks, it was a miracle. My father used to always say, "If the Jews can rebuild the temple, anything is possible!" I'm not joking. And everyone was happy, and there was no malarkey. But what was that? Some folks were trying to stop it! Not gonna happen. The king was so angry, he sent out a decree that said anyone who tries to stop the temple from being rebuilt will be killed, and their property will be taken away. Excuse me, but that's the way it was!