Listen, Jack, c'mon man, this is a pretty crazy story: it all starts when King Cyrus of Persia issued a decree that the Jews could all go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. Literally, I'm not joking, he said all the Jews who wanted to could go back to their homeland and start all over again. I'm telling you, this was a big deal. My father used to say, “Well, son, there’s no malarkey like old malarkey” – and this was old malarkey. See here, Jack, the Jews started collecting funds, gathering supplies, and loading up their wagons to head back to Jerusalem. They got a whole bunch of stuff together - gold, silver, bronze, and some of their old stuff from the temple - and they took off. What was that? Oh yeah, a lot of the local leaders and officials supported them and gave them some of their own stuff to take back. I'm telling you, folks, this was an amazing thing. It was like a huge caravan of Jews heading back to their homeland and it was a sight to behold. So, now the Jews were back in their homeland and they started rebuilding the temple. Here's the deal: it was a huge success and the temple was finished in just a few years. Excuse me, but it was a really miraculous thing. Not gonna happen again anytime soon, I can tell you that.