Folks, we gotta talk about Ezra 10. Literally, this is a chapter about repentance and confession. Now, c'mon man, it starts off with a call to action. See here, Jack, Ezra and the leaders of the people are gathering, and they're talking about how all the people were intermarrying with foreign women. Now, my father used to say, "It's never a good idea to mix cultures," and I'm not joking. So the people start confessing their sins, and they even make a covenant to put away all their foreign wives. Then there's a list of all the people who are guilty – I mean, it's a long list. So, then the people actually carry out their repentance and put away their foreign wives. And then we get to the end, and here's the deal: all the people who have put away their foreign wives are declared innocent. No malarkey. Excuse me, what was that? This chapter is all about repentance and following through. Or uh, you know, if you don't, it's not gonna happen. I tell ya what, that's what the Bible is all about.