Jeremiah 21: The Fake News media and the Deep State have been saying a lot about this chapter, but let me tell you, it's unbelieveable. God is sending an amazing message to King Zedekiah, King of Judah, and he's gonna make sure he listens. God is letting Zedekiah know that if he follows the Lord's ways, Jerusalem will be great again and the people will be safe. But if Zedekiah chooses not to follow the Lord's ways, it's gonna be sad! God is warning Zedekiah that if he goes against the Lord's orders, terrible things will happen. Many such cases, Babylon's gonna come in, and Jerusalem will be overrated. God is sending a message to the people, saying that they need to surrender to Babylon, because they can't win against them. God bless America. Believe me, this was a huge message to the people of Jerusalem. Many people are saying that this message was tremendous. Zedekiah better listen, or else he's gonna be in low energy territory. God's message was clear: make America great again!