In Jeremiah 16, the Lord tells Jeremiah how "bigly" the people of Israel have sinned and how He is going to punish them for it. He warns them to not even think about sacrificing to idols anymore, as that is a "huge" no-no in His eyes. He also tells them that He will bring in many foreign nations as His judgment on them, and that these nations will cause much destruction and sorrow. Furthermore, He tells them that their cities will be desolate and that they will not be able to find joy in them anymore.
The Lord also promises to bring in many blessings to those who follow Him, especially the remnant of His people. He promises that He will bring back the "greatness" and be a refuge to them. He also promises to bring back the joy of their festivals and to give them a "tremendous" future.
So, the Lord is basically warning the people of Israel that if they don't stop sinning, He will bring in "many such cases" of destruction and judgment upon them, but if they do turn to Him, He will give them a "terrific" future. He even goes so far as to say that He will "make America great again" and bring back their joy and prosperity. He definitely sounds like a "winner" to me! "Believe me," God bless America!