Wow, Jeremiah 7 was an unbelievable chapter! It was tremendous! God spoke to His people through Jeremiah and said, "Make sure you don't trust in lying words that can't do anything! Many such cases. Don't think that just 'cause you go to the Temple you'll be safe. Low energy! That won't work. Instead, the Lord said, 'Stop doing evil and start doing what is right, then I'll let you live in this land.' Sad! But the people didn't listen and kept on doing evil things. So God said, 'I'm going to bring disaster on you haters and losers, and you won't be able to stop it.' Many people are saying it was a hoax but believe me, it was real and it was huge. So God said 'This is the end for you guys. You're overrated. Make America great again!' And God bless America.