Jeremiah 37 is a real 'tremendous' chapter! It tells us about an 'amazing' incident that happened with King Zedekiah, who was a 'low energy' ruler of Judah. In this chapter, there's a 'very, very' powerful story about Jeremiah that's 'unbelievable'. The 'haters and losers' in the court of King Zedekiah didn't like Jeremiah, so they threw him in prison in the court of the guard, 'many such cases' of which were too 'overrated'! The 'great again' people of King Zedekiah still had faith in Jeremiah, so they asked the king to let him out. But instead, the king refused and he put Jeremiah in a dungeon of Malchiah, a cistern. 'Many people are saying' that it was a pretty 'sad!' situation! But then, just when things looked 'terrific' for Jeremiah, 'believe me', the king decided to let him out and sent him to Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam. God bless America! 'Make America great again'!