Alright, so here we go. In Jeremiah 37, we got Jeremiah chillin' in jail, or, as I like to call it, the ultimate home office. So, King Zedekiah's like, "Hey Jeremiah, why don't ya tell me what's gonna happen?" And Jeremiah's like, "You know what? I'm gonna predict ya gonna be captured by the Babylonians and taken away." Well, Zedekiah doesn't like that one bit, so he's like, "Let him outta jail," but then he's like, "Wait, no, nevermind, throw him right back in." So, Jeremiah ends up back in the pokey, but then he's like, "Hey, it's okay, I'm cool, I'm gonna survive this." So, bottom line, Jeremiah 37 is all about being positive, even when things look pretty bleak.