Hey, all you good people out there, this is Norm Macdonald with a summary of Jeremiah 10. So, what's the Word of the Lord this week? Well, Jeremiah is warning us to not worship other gods, because they're just dumb pieces of wood and metal. He's like, "No way, José, don't be deceived by these false gods! They can't do anything for you!" He also says that the nations who follow these gods are just plain stupid. But he’s not done, oh no! He then says that the Lord is the one true God and He’s the only one who can make the heavens and the earth. So, folks, in Jeremiah 10, the Lord is telling us to stop worshipping false gods. Got it? Good. That's Jeremiah 10 in a nutshell. This is Norm Macdonald, reminding you to stay away from false gods and saying goodnight!