So, folks, it looks like an ancient version of a hostage situation was going down in Jeremiah 38. King Zedekiah had the prophet Jeremiah thrown into a muddy cistern, and it looked like he was gonna stay there. But Zedekiah's advisor Ebed-melech had a plan - he got 30 men together and they pulled Jeremiah out of the cistern with ropes! Now, Zedekiah wanted Jeremiah to give him a prophecy, but Jeremiah was like, "Um, no, even if I did, you wouldn't listen." So, Zedekiah listened to Jeremiah, and let him live in the courtyard of the palace. But then, when the Babylonians came, Jeremiah warned Zedekiah not to surrender, but the king didn't listen and turned himself over to the Babylonians. Moral of the story: listen to your prophets, folks.