Hey, everyone! This week we have Jeremiah 13, and it's actually a real bummer. God's pretty mad at the people of Judah, because they're not listening to him. So he tells Jeremiah to get a linen belt, wear it around, and then hide it in a hole in the rocks. Then he says, "When I come to bring my people out of exile, I want the belt to be totally ruined." Basically, God's saying, "You guys messed up and now you're gonna pay the price." Then God tells Jeremiah to go buy a wineskin, fill it with wine, and leave it out in the sun. And, of course, it starts to rot and falls apart. So God's saying, "You people are like this wineskin--you're in bad shape and you can't be fixed." Ugh, God's not pulling any punches in this chapter.