"Ah, Jeremiah 48, what a disaster. So, Moab is getting punished for their arrogance and pride, by the way, and they don't take it well. They're so mad they threaten to throw rocks at the other cities, which is kind of a weird way to handle a situation. So, God's like, 'Hey, Moab, you're gonna get what's coming to ya. I'm gonna send a firestorm and make sure all your land is wasted.' But then, because God's merciful, He gives the people of Moab a chance to repent and be saved. But, you know, they don't take it. So, yeah, God gets back at 'em. The chapter ends with a reminder that God will always win in the end. So, yeah, if you're ever feeling like you can take on God, just remember Jeremiah 48."