Hey, folks, it's Norm MacDonald here with a summary of Jeremiah 28. In this chapter, Jeremiah confronts this other prophet, Hananiah, who's all like, "Hey, the Israelites are gonna be back in the land in two years!" But Jeremiah's like, "Uh, no, they're not." And then Hananiah's all like, "Hey, you don't know what you're talking about!" and he breaks a yoke off Jeremiah's neck to prove it. Then Jeremiah goes, "Oh yeah? Well, I'll tell you what, here's a prophecy for you: The yoke you just broke is gonna be replaced with a yoke of iron, and it's gonna be worse than the Babylonian exile! Take that, Hananiah!" But then he's all like, "You know what? I'm gonna die soon, so if this doesn't happen in two years, then you can call me a false prophet." And then he dies in two years and it turns out Jeremiah was right all along. So, remember folks, if you're gonna make a prophecy, make sure it's not in two years, because you might not be around to see it come true. That's all for Jeremiah 28, folks. Good night, everybody!